I am having troubles with executing callback functions on markers (in my case they are circle and semiCircle markers). The marker context menu extends map's context menu with additional marker-specific operations. Map context menu callbacks are working properly. Marker additional menu options are shown, but I cannot execute the corresponding functions (for example getting Lat and Lon of a marker). The error in both variants that I tried (see below) is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLatLng' of undefined".
Below is shown the code that I am using.
Markers are created from external JS file and stored in a layerGroup.
Variant 1 - Using event "contextmenu.show" as suggested in contextMenu documentation.
Creating layerGroups with Circle markers:
for(i in sites) {
var title = sites[i].ID,
loc = sites[i].loc,
object = sites[i].Type,
marker = new L.circle(new L.latLng(loc), {radius: radsiteinit+50,color: 'gold', weight: 3, title: title, pane: "sitePane",
contextmenu: true,contextmenuItems: [{text: 'Show Charts',index:0}, {separator: true, index: 1}]} ).
bindPopup(object+': '+ title ).on('click', onClick);
"contextmenu.show" event:
mymap.on('contextmenu.show', function (event) {
var latlngs = event.relatedTarget.getLatLng();
As mentioned above produced error is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLatLng' of undefined". Also event is fired before user gets the chance to select and option from context menu. What I need is to fire the event after user selects some marker-specific options from context menu.
Variant 2 - With definition of callback function.
Creating layerGroups with Circle markers - the difference here from above is that I added callback function is context menu definition:
for(i in sites) {
var title = sites[i].ID,
loc = sites[i].loc,
object = sites[i].Type,
marker = new L.circle(new L.latLng(loc), {radius: radsiteinit+50,color: 'gold', weight: 3, title: title, pane: "sitePane",
contextmenu: true,contextmenuItems: [{text: 'Show Charts',callback:showCharts,index:0}, {separator: true, index: 1}]} ).
bindPopup(object+': '+ title ).on('click', onClick);
Callback function definition:
function showCharts(e) {
var latlngs = e.relatedTarget.getLatLng();
The same error here.
I am very new to JavaScript, so I guess I do something wrong when I am trying to pass marker's reference to the function (var. 2) or event (var. 1).
Because I am stuck a lot, I would appreciate getting some advice.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT In the link you can find a JS Bin example of variant 2: JS Bin Example