
My question is kind of a follow up of this: How to place Email-Ext groovy script on the jenkins file system

Here is my situation: I have a groovy script which constructs the email which will be send. This works fine as long as I have the script directly written (the code) in:

Pre-send Script

If I take this script, place it in the Jenkins filesystem(...jenkins\email-templates) as: email-presend.groovy and I try to call it with:

  <presendScript>${SCRIPT, script="email-presend"}</presendScript>

I get the error message, that I can't access the message object:

Script1.groovy: 1: expecting EOF, found 'or' @ line 1, column 17. Error in script or template: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: msg for class: Script1

Code on the line:

  msg.addHeader("X-Priority", "1 (Highest)"); 
  msg.addHeader("Importance", "High"); 

Am I missing something obvious, since I can't find any code snippet which did this? I want to use the javax.mail.Message msg which is available if the code is directly in jenkins.

Nobody had this problem? How did the rest write into the email trough groovy?Beasly
Try using SCRIPT(script: "email-presend") instead.slide

1 Answers


Unfortunately it seems like it's not possible according to this post: Email-ext comment

Too bad :(