Here is a background on the configuration
- I have tests written in Robot Framework
- I am using Jenkins and installed the robotframework and email-ext plugin
- I have a Jenkins job scheduled to run periodically
- The jenkins jobs runs robot tests
- Then sends an email (using email-ext) with the test results
- I am using a groovy script to generate the email content.
- I have a Jenkins job scheduled to run periodically
The groovy script that generates the email content is using the robot APIs to get data (e.g.: total tests, total failed, pass percentage) and information about all failed test cases.
For all failed test cases, a list of RoboCaseResult, I am including:
- Test criticality
- Parent suite
- Test Name
- Error message
This is currently working. Here's my Groovy Script achieves this:
def actionslist = build.actions // List<hudson.model.Action>
def doRobotResultsExist = false
actionslist.each() { action ->
if( action.class.simpleName.equals("RobotBuildAction") ) { // hudson.plugins.robot.RobotBuildAction
doRobotResultsExist = true
displaycritical = (action.getOverallPassPercentage() != action.getCriticalPassPercentage())
<h3>RobotFramework Results</h3>
<td>Detailed Report:</td>
<td><a href="${rooturl}${build.url}robot/report/<%= action.getLogHtmlLink() %>" target="_new"><%= action.getLogHtmlLink() %></a></td>
<td>Pass Percentage:</td>
<td><%= action.overallPassPercentage %>%</td>
<td>Overall Pass Ratio:</td>
<td><%= action.getTotalCount() - action.getFailCount() %>/<%= action.getTotalCount() %></td>
<td>Pass Percentage:</td>
<td><%= action.getOverallPassPercentage() %>%</td>
if (displaycritical) {
<td>Critical Pass Percentage:</td>
<td><%= action.getCriticalPassPercentage() %>%</td>
<% } //if displaycrital %>
<td>Total Failed:</td>
<td><%= action.getFailCount() %></td>
//action.result returns hudson.plugins.robot.model.RobotResult
//action.retult.getAllFailedCases() returns a list of hudson.plugins.robot.model.RobotCaseResult
def allFailedTests = action.result.getAllFailedCases() // hudson.plugins.robot.model.RobotCaseResult
if (!allFailedTests.isEmpty()) {
i = 0
<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' border='1'>
<tr class='bg1'>
<% if (displaycritical) { %><th>Tagged Critical</th><% } //if displaycrital %>
<th>Failed Test Case</th>
<th>Error message</th>
//allFailedTests.each() { testresult ->
// def testCaseResult = testresult
allFailedTests.each() { testCaseResult ->
print "<tr " + ( (i % 2) == 0 ? "class='bg2'" : "") + " >"
if (displaycritical) {
print "<td>" + (testCaseResult.isCritical()? "<font color='red'><b>YES</b></font>": "no" )+ "</td>"
print "<td>" + testCaseResult.getParent().getRelativePackageName(testCaseResult.getParent()) + "</td>"
print "<td>" + testCaseResult.getDisplayName() + "</td>"
print "<td>" + testCaseResult.getErrorMsg() + "</td>"
print "</tr>"
} // for each failed test
} // if list of failed test cases is not empty
} // end action is RobotBuildAction
} // end of each actions
This generated something like this
========================================================================= | Tagged Critical | Suite | Failed Test Case | Error Message | ========================================================================= | YES | Fruits | Get Apples | Could not get apples | +-----------------+--------+------------------+-------------------------+ | NO | Fruits | Eat Apple | Could not find an apple | =========================================================================
The issue
For each failed test case, I want to include all WARNING that were raised. But I'm not able to find an API for this, so I opened an enhancement ticket against the Jenkins plugin. The Jenkins robotframework plugin maintainer may not reply to my request in the timeframe that I need a solution.
How can I include, via the groovy script, all the warnings that were raised during a robot test? That is, I want to get the following
================================================================================================ | Tagged Critical | Suite | Failed Test Case | Error Message | Warnings | ================================================================================================ | YES | Fruits | Get Apples | Could not get apples | No baskets available | +-----------------+--------+------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ | NO | Fruits | Eat Apple | Could not find an apple | | ================================================================================================