I recently converted to Jenkins 2.x and I am experimenting with pipeline flow, but I can't seem to get the email-ext plugin to work with groovy script templates. Although my standard flow still work fine, if I try the following I get an error with unexpected token SCRIPT
emailext mimeType: 'text/html', replyTo: 'xxxx', subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${env.BUILD_STATUS}", to: 'xxxx', body: "${SCRIPT, template='regressionfailed.groovy'}"
I know that there were issues with token expansion early on, but it seems like from the latest wiki updates those have been fixed. I also still get no token expansion for any tokens. Is there any good reference to get this working again. I would like to switch to the pipeline flow but the email template with token expansion is key to may work flow.