
At posedge of clock, if I get reset, I want to check that data is zero one cycle after reset. I am not able to figure out how can I check data one cycle after I get reset. This is what i came up with but i know it is wrong as I am checking for data in the same clock cycle that reset is high. Please can someone let me know how can I do this in verilog?

always @(posedge clk)
      if(data == 0) 

2 Answers


There's an easy way to do this:

always @(posedge clk)
   reset_q <= reset;

always @(posedge clk)
   if(reset_q == 1) && (data == 0) 
      $display("reset ok");
      $display("reset error");

I put these in separate blocks to emphasize that one is a pipelining operating on the reset signal and the other is the checking logic, but they could live in the same always block.


It seems that you don't want to try using always block on your testbench. It's a good idea to use forever loop in your testbench as an alternative to always block as it can have some flexibility in controlling your testbench.

Someone told me this: always block are for RTL design and forever loop are for RTL verification

You can try this instead:

initial begin
   forever begin    
      @(posedge reset); // wait for the rising edge of reset

      // reset has occured at this time.
      @(posedge clk); // delay for 1 clock cycle

      // check your data here
      if(data == 0) $display("ok");
      else $display("error");