1) You can not assign signal value such as signal<='100'
without declaring it it. You are not correct.
VHDL doesn't like surprises. Everything always must be declared before you use it.
So, you must declare a signal (in the declarative region of the architecture
, ie between architecture
and begin
architecture SOME_NAME of SOME_OTHER_NAME is
-- declare signals (and other things) here, eg
signal SOME_SIGNAL_NAME : std_logic; -- or some other type
You can also initialise signals when you declare them, but I would be very careful doing this if you intend to synthesise the code, eg:
signal SOME_SIGNAL_NAME : std_logic := '0';
2) This ext_imme<=(31 downto 16=> imme(15)) & imme
is an example of an aggregate and a concatenation. An aggregate is a way of assigning to the elements of an array. A concatenation is a way of joining two arrays together to make a bigger array.
In your example, this is the aggregate: (31 downto 16=> imme(15))
. Here you are making bits 31 down to 16 equal to bit 15 of imme
. This gives you 16 bits all equal to bit 15 of imme
The '&' operation is the concatenation operator. In your example, you are joining the 16 bits of the aggregate to the 16 bits of imme
to make 32 bits in total.
Here some other examples of using aggregates: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/CQm.
some_signal <= "100";
is a reserved word), nor your assumption. A named signal is always declared, that name may be a prefix for an implicit signal name, slice name or indexed name. An object is a type and a value, designated by it's declared name. The expression on the right hand side of the signal assignment toext_imme
contains an aggregate assigning an array length 15 with each element having the value of imme(15) and concatenating that array with imme (presumably with a range 15 downto 0), producing an array value 32 long. Show declarations. – user1155120