Suppose I have a series of functions with keyword arguments of different names
foo(x, y; a=1, b=2) = (a + b) / (x + y)
bar(x, y; c=3, d=4) = (x - y) * (c - d)
And suppose I have third function that takes a function as an argument. I want to be able to pass any keyword argument(s) through to one of the first two functions when calling this third function.
master(x, y; fun::Function=foo, args...) = fun(x, y, args...)
My problem arises when trying to call the master
function using keyword arguments.
julia> master(pi, e, fun=bar)
julia> master(pi, e, fun=bar, c=4)
ERROR: MethodError: `bar` has no method matching bar(::Irrational{:π}, ::Irrational{:e}, ::Tuple{Symbol,Int64})
Closest candidates are:
bar(::Any, ::Any)
Is there a way to pass through the keyword arguments without having to iteratively check the argument names?
Please let me know if the question is unclear and I'd be happy to clarify. I've looked for other questions, but the solutions I've seen generally show how to grab the name-value pairs, not how to pass them through to other functions with keyword arguments
before splatting the keyword arguments. So perhaps try thisfun(x, y; args...)
– spencerlyon2