You're specifically querying for a given document, and ReadDocumentAsync
will throw that DocumentClientException
when it can't find the specific document (returning a 404 in the status code). This is documented here. By catching the exception (and seeing that it's a 404), you wouldn't need two round trips.
To get around dealing with this exception, you'd need to make a query instead of a discrete read, by using CreateDocumentQuery()
. Then, you'll simply get a result set you can enumerate through (even if that result set is empty). For example:
var collLink = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(databaseId, collectionId);
var querySpec = new SqlQuerySpec { <querytext> };
var itr = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collLink, querySpec).AsDocumentQuery();
var response = await itr.ExecuteNextAsync<Document>();
foreach (var doc in response.AsEnumerable())
With this approach, you'll just get no responses. In your specific case, where you'll be adding a WHERE
clause to query a specific document by its id, you'll either get zero results or one result.