
Using Azure Stream Analytics to stream events from Blob OR Event Hubs to DocumentDB. Configuration has been done as per Microsoft documentation, "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/stream-analytics/stream-analytics-get-started"

When I am trying to give input as Event Hubs OR Blob in stream analytics and output sink as documentdb, Then I am not able to see any json data in document explorer.

In the Stream Analytics Query, I uploaded a JSON File, and I am getting Output in a single line. I followed some links Azure Stream Analytics is not feeding DocumentDB output sink and Getting error in Azure Stream Analytics with DocumentDB as sink

But not able to figure out what's wrong.


1 Answers


Are you writing to a partitioned documentdb? If so, try providing criteria to filter on your partition key. I had a few collections that wouldn't show me documents in document explorer unless I provided criteria, even though I could return documents via query explorer.

Edit: You can provide this criteria by adding a filter.

Click the filter button:

enter image description here

Add filter criteria that includes whatever field you use for partition key. In my case I use deviceID, so my filter is c.deviceID = "SomeDeviceIDThatIWantToFind":enter image description here