
I am currently using getUserMedia(), which is only working on Firefox and Chrome, yet it got deprecated and works only on https (in Chrome). Is there any other/better way to get the speech input in javascript that works on all platforms?

E.g. how do websites like web.whatsapp.com app record audio? getUserMedia() prompts first-time-users to permit audio recording, whereas the Whatsapp application doesn't require the user's permission.

The getUserMedia() I am currently using looks like this:

        "audio": {
            "mandatory": {
                "googEchoCancellation": "false",
                "googAutoGainControl": "false",
                "googNoiseSuppression": "false",
                "googHighpassFilter": "false"
            "optional": []
    }, gotStream, function(e) {
Only Chrome requires https AFAIK. Firefox still supports getUserMedia in http for what it's worth.jib
web.whatsapp.com actually doesn’t provide anything other than letting you launch the WhatsApp native mobile app on your device, right? That is, https://web.whatsapp.com/ itself doesn’t let you record audio; instead, the WhatsApp native mobile app does. And the reason the WhatsApp native mobile app doesn’t prompt first-time-users to permit microphone access is because users already granted that permission to it when they installed it. And since there’s no separate “install” step for Web apps, they have to prompt for permission at least the first time a user uses the Web app.sideshowbarker

3 Answers


Chrome 60+ does require using https, since getUserMedia is a powerful feature. The API access shouldn't work in non-secure domains, as that API access may get bled over to non-secure actors. Firefox still supports getUserMedia over http, though.

I've been using RecorderJS and it served my purposes well. Here is a code example. (source)

function RecordAudio(stream, cfg) {

  var config = cfg || {};
  var bufferLen = config.bufferLen || 4096;
  var numChannels = config.numChannels || 2;
  this.context = stream.context;
  var recordBuffers = [];
  var recording = false;
  this.node = (this.context.createScriptProcessor ||
    bufferLen, numChannels, numChannels);


  this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
    if (!recording) return;
    for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
      if (!recordBuffers[i]) recordBuffers[i] = [];
      recordBuffers[i].push.apply(recordBuffers[i], e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(i));

  this.getData = function() {
    var tmp = recordBuffers;
    recordBuffers = [];
    return tmp; // returns an array of array containing data from various channels

  this.start() = function() {
    recording = true;

  this.stop() = function() {
    recording = false;

The usage is straightforward:

var recorder = new RecordAudio(userMedia);
var recordedData = recorder.getData()

Edit: You may also want to check this answer if nothing works.


Recorder JS does the easy job for you. It works with Web Audio API nodes

Chrome and Firefox Browsers has evolved now. There is an inbuilt MediaRecoder API which does audio recording for you.

    .then(stream => {
        rec = new MediaRecorder(stream);
        rec.ondataavailable = e => {
            if (rec.state == "inactive"){
               // Use blob to create a new Object URL and playback/download

Working demo

MediaRecoder support starts from

Chrome support: 47

Firefox support: 25.0


The getUserMedia() isn't deprecated, deprecated is using it over http. How far I know the only browser which requires https for getUserMedia() right now is Chrome what I think is correct approach.

If you want ssl/tls for your test you can use free version of CloudFlare.

Whatsapp page doesn't provide any recording functions, it just allow you to launch application.

Good article about getUserMedia

Fully working example with use of MediaRecorder