I have the below script, which works fine when I have a third column in the second data set. Now I want to get the first histogram being drawn w/ error bars, and the second w/o. I can remove the :3
from the second plot command but gnuplot will complain about not enough data specified for the second histogram. If I remove set style histogram errorbars ...
but that would disable the error bars on the first histogram, too. Is there a way to plot two histograms in the same figure, where one doesn't have error bars.
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
set boxwidth 0.9 absolute
set style fill solid 1.00 border -1
set style histogram errorbars gap 1
set style data histograms
set yrange [-1.746917959031165368e-01:3.668527713965446857e+00]
unset key
set datafile commentschar "#"
plot '-' using 2:3:xtic(1) title "onehist",\
'-' using 2:3:xtic(1) title "otherhist"
-3.583733737468719482e-01 1.073847990483045578e-02 1.073847990483045578e-02
-3.382162153720855713e-01 2.274234220385551453e-02 1.329828426241874695e-02
2.261839509010314941e-01 2.859487235546112061e-01 8.173441886901855469e-02
-1.164875924587249756e-01 4.266476333141326904e-01
-9.633044153451919556e-02 5.953223109245300293e-01
-7.617329061031341553e-02 6.151663661003112793e-01
-5.601614341139793396e-02 9.624376893043518066e-01