
I would like to plot this datafile



Where the first column is the X Axis, the second one is the Y Axis and the third one the label to put above each column of the histogram.

Before now, I use this syntax to plot the graph (but without any label)

set terminal png ;
set title "Hello" ;
set xlabel "Country" ;
set ylabel "values" ;
set style fill solid ;
set xtic rotate -45 ;
set datafile separator "|" ;
set style data histograms ; 
plot '/root/temp.txt' using 2:xtic(1) notitle

But if I try to add labels gnu plot give me error!!

The syntax I use to add labels is plot '/root/temp.txt' using 2:xtic(1):3 with labels notitle

Could you please help me? Thank you

Could you also post how you are trying to add the labels? Then it is easier to see what is going wrong.Woltan
I would like to add the label (column 3). If i try plot '/root/temp.txt' using 2:xtic(1):3 with labels notitle it makes error...!user1047926

1 Answers


I am not sure that you can compress into one plotting format, but you can use replot (or replot-like plot):

plot '/root/temp.txt' using 2:xtic(1) notitle, '' u ($0):2:3 with labels notitle

Empty '' induce reuse the last input(file). Now, it equals with '/root/temp.txt'

Solution with semi-replot

To be nicer:

plot 'temp.txt' using 2:xtic(1) notitle, '' u ($0+0.1):($2+1):3 with labels notitle

Shifted label

Oh! And don't forget to set output of png term!