I am essentially trying to read messy data into SAS using informats and having problems. I have column of data of the following form in a raw txt file, say:
For RegDate, 0 = missing, otherwise the date is present. I would like to read this data into SAS, giving 'NA' for the zeros and the date for the date, and output into a dataset.
If all dates were present, I could use the code
data test;
%let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */
infile "&pathlocation" delimiter='09'x
MISSOVER DSD firstobs=2 ;
informat RegDate ddmmyy10. ;
format RegDate ddmmyy10. ;
if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
However I cannot read the above text file doing this as it does not take into account the zeros, as the informat is set to read in dates.
If using a proc import statement
proc import datafile="&pathlocation" out=test dbms=tab replace;
it tries to use a best32. informat, as there is a zero in the first row. The dates cannot then be read in.
So I need to create a custom format of some sort. I can do this for a numeric informat alone or a character informat alone, or a picture informat (which is needed for the dates?). I cannot figure out how to combine multiple formats for one variable. I'm sure the solution is very simple however I cannot find it online so I apologise if this is obvious. Is there either a way to a) put some IF-THEN statement into the format so that it does different things depending on the input b) read the data in purely as text so that the formats need to be used.