
I am trying to import data containing some date-columns/fields into SAS. The data are in JSON format, and hence need to be converted before import. This I use SAS libname JSON for.

But when I convert/import the data, SAS does not interpret the dates as proper dates, and allow me to manipulate data with date-constraints and so on. Instead, SAS imports the dates as Format = $ whatever that is. But the data show in the imported data. SAS imports the data without errors but any other date-field than the 'date_fi' in the data are not properly formatted as a date.

I am using the following script

filename resp "C:\Temp\transaktioner_2017-07.json" lrecl=1000000000 ; filename jmap "C:\Temp\transaktioner.map"; filename head "c:\temp\header.txt";

options metaserver="DOMAIN" metaport=8561 metarepository="Foundation" metauser="USER" metapass='CENSORED';

libname CLIENT sasiola tag=SOMETAG port=10011 host="DOMAIN" signer="https://CENSORED";

proc http HEADEROUT=head url='http://VALID_PATH/acubiz_sas/_design/view/_view/bymonth?key="2017-07"'

method= "GET" CT="application/json" out=resp; run; libname space JSON fileref=resp map=jmap ;*automap=create;

LIBNAME SASDATA BASE "D:\SASData";* outencoding='UTF-8';

Data SASDATA.Transaktioner ; Set space.Rows_value; run;

data null; if exist("Acubiz.EMS_TRANSAKTIONER", "DATA") then rc=dosubl("proc sql noprint; drop table Acubiz.EMS_TRANSAKTIONER; quit;"); run;

data Acubiz.EMS_TRANSAKTIONER; set sasdata.transaktioner; run;

proc metalib; omr (library="/Shared Data/SAS Visual Analytics/Autoload/AcubizEMSAutoload/Acubiz_EMS" repname="Foundation"); folder="/Shared Data/SAS Visual Analytics/Autoload/AcubizEMSAutoload"; select ("EMS_TRANSAKTIONER"); run; quit;

libname CLIENT clear;

libname space clear;

For this conversion, I use the following JSON map.file called 'transaktioner.map'.

The field date_fi imports in the proper date format which I can manipulate as date-format in SAS Visual Analytics, but confirmeddate_fi does not.

The most important parts of this file are here.

  "NAME": "date_fi",
  "INFORMAT": [ "e8601dt19", 19, 0 ],
  "FORMAT": ["DATETIME", 20],
  "PATH": "/root/rows/value/date_fi",

  "NAME": "confirmeddate_fi",
  "INFORMAT": [ "e8601dt19", 19, 0 ],
  "FORMAT": ["DATETIME", 20],
  "PATH": "/root/rows/value/confirmeddate_fi",

Does any of you know how I might import the data and interpret the date-fields as such.

I have been messing with different informants in the JSON map-file to solve this riddle and have managed to get to where I can import the data without errors, but SAS does not interpret the date fields as such.

The actual fields are explained here with some examples (taken from the imported data):

Reference that works
date_fi:                    "2017-07-14T00:00:00"  (Apparantly never timestamped but use T00:00:00 - checked 9 instances)

Should work
invoicedate_fi:             "2017-08-01T00:00:00"  (Apparantly never timestamped but use T00:00:00 - checked 9 instances)
invoicedate_fi:             "2017-07-19T00:00:00"
invoicedate_fi:             "2017-07-17T00:00:00"

arrivaldate_fi:             "2017-08-13T00:00:00"  (Apparantly never timestamped but use T00:00:00 - checked 9 instances)

departuredate_fi:           "2017-08-09T00:00:00"  (Apparantly never timestamped but use T00:00:00 - checked 9 instances)

Do not work as numeric - even though they are specified as dates in map-file (for use with SAS JSON Libname)
markedreadydate_fi:         "2017-08-02T11:41:56"   (This field is often but not always timestamped)
markedreadydate_fi:         "2017-07-31T15:08:03"
markedreadydate_fi:         "2017-07-19T00:00:00"

confirmeddate_fi:           "2017-07-21T00:00:00"   (This field is often but not always timestamped)
confirmeddate_fi:           "2017-08-06T20:11:26"
confirmeddate_fi:           "2017-07-14T18:38:41"

confirmeddatefinance_fi:    "2017-07-31T15:54:10"   (This field is often but not always timestamped)
confirmeddatefinance_fi:    "2017-08-17T10:33:32"
confirmeddatefinance_fi:    "2017-07-26T08:21:34"

markedreadydate_fi:         "2017-07-19T00:00:00"   (This field is often but not always timestamped)

Does anyone have pertinent info on this issue, as I am at my wit's end? And have exhausted SAS Tech Support about this date-issue.

PS: As a proof of concept, we are importing approx 110.000 rows. And the import finishes without any errors.

A good PDF explaining the different ISO formats in SAS can be found here

Have you tried telling it the length is 10 and ignoring the time?Jeremy Kahan
Which if you need the time is not helpful I knowJeremy Kahan
E8601da10 based on the doc as the best informatJeremy Kahan
No I have not tried to crop off the time, as we might need time for our project. I will definitely try the E8601da10 format tomorrow. Thanks.Excaliburst
What version of SAS do you have? If you have the latest version you can try using the JSON libname instead.Reeza

1 Answers


Apparantly the solution is to start to import the date-columns as CHARACTERs instead of numbers. And hence do the conversion to date-format in the SAS code like so:

Data SASDATA.Transaktioner(drop=
Set space.Rows_value(rename=(
*length invoicedate_fi 8.;
if confirmeddate_fi_temp ne '' then confirmeddate_fi=input(confirmeddate_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else confirmeddate_fi=.;
if datetoshow_fi_temp ne '' then datetoshow_fi=input(datetoshow_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else datetoshow_fi=.;
if date_fi_temp ne '' then date_fi=input(date_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else date_fi=.;
if invoicedate_fi_temp ne '' then invoicedate_fi=input(invoicedate_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else invoicedate_fi=.;
if markedreadydate_fi_temp ne '' then markedreadydate_fi=input(markedreadydate_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else markedreadydate_fi=.;
if arrivaldate_fi_temp ne '' then arrivaldate_fi=input(arrivaldate_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else arrivaldate_fi=.;
if departuredate_fi_temp ne '' then departuredate_fi=input(departuredate_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else departuredate_fi=.;
if confirmeddatefinance_fi_temp ne '' then confirmeddatefinance_fi=input(confirmeddatefinance_fi_temp,E8601DT19.); else confirmeddatefinance_fi=.;

I will then remove all specifics for NUMERIC type for importing date-fields in the map file. This way the JSON libname does NOT take care of interpreting the date-formats. SAS does.

ie. the map file specification must be changed back to something like this for alle date-fields.

  "NAME": "date_fi",
  "PATH": "/root/rows/value/date_fi",