I need to import data from a csv-file. And I'm able to read everything else but the date. The date format is like dd.m.yyyy format: 6;Tiku;17.1.1967;M;191;
I'm guessing if I need to specify an informat to read it in? I can't figure out which one to use because nothing I've tried works.
What I've managed so far:
data [insert name here];
infile [insert name here];
dlm=";" missover;
length Avain 8 Nimi $10 Syntymapaiva 8 Sukupuoli $1 Pituus 8 Paino 5;
Avain Nimi $ Syntymapaiva ddmmyyp.(=this doesnt work) Sukupuoli$ Pituus
format Paino COMMA5.2 ;
label Syntymapaiva="Syntymäpäivä";
And part of the actual file to read in:
Thank you for helping this doofus out!