The output I'm looking for is a record for each individual day, with a count of DISTINCT Active Members and a count of the DISTINCT Rolling 7 day Active Members.
I'm working with two tables -- [transactions] which has a record for every transaction through our system, including a dmn_date_id for the transaction processing date, and a DATE_DIMENSION which has every day between 1990 and 2020 with day_offset_nbr representing the days offset from TODAY() (this table is rebuilt nightly).
, COUNT(DISTINCT(t.user_id)) as Active_Members_Today
, COUNT(DISTINCT(t2.user_id)) as Rolling_7Day_Active_Members
transactions t
ON t.transaction_processed_date_id = dd.date_id
ON d2.day_offset_nbr BETWEEN (dd.day_offset_nbr - 6) AND dd.day_offset_nbr
JOIN transactions t2
ON d2.dmn_date_id = t2.common_trans_processed_date_id
t.user_initiated_ind = 'Y' -- Only User-initiated Transactions
AND t2.user_initiated_ind = 'Y'
AND t.transaction_state_name = 'Accepted' -- Accepted Transactions Only
AND t2.transaction_state_name = 'Accepted'
AND dd.day_offset_nbr >= -731
AND d2.day_offset_nbr >= -738
The above query gets me what we need but it takes a long time (over an hour) to process. We've created indexes on user_initiated_ind and common_trans_processed_date_id including the user_id but the query is still spinning away.
Thinking I could resolve this with a window function it was learned you can't use DISTINCT in a window, which led me to using a derived table with Row_Number() to identify DISTINCT user's within the window, which led me to discover Row_Number() can't be used with a ROWS BETWEEN clause in a Window...
I've read Calculate running total / running balance which is similar but deals with a running balance rather than rolling distinct count, and I'm not quite sure how to apply what I've read to my problem; only that the INNER JOIN method I'm using is suggested as NOT the method to use...
...which inspired me to post.
How can I improve my query performance time?