I think the components of the answer are out there, but I don't understand this stuff well enough, and I'm getting very stuck on conversions.
Here's an implementation I found for NSData to crc32:
Unfortunately, I need a version that has a reverse:
This thread seems to come the closest: Reversing CRC32
I've used its logic to create this which generates the two CRC tables:
func crcTables() -> (forwardTable: [UInt32], reverseTable: [UInt32]) {
let poly: UInt32 = 0xedb88320;
var forwardTable: [UInt32] = []
var reverseTable: [UInt32] = []
var forward: UInt32 = 0
var reverse: UInt32 = 0
for i in 0...UInt32(UInt8.max) {
forward = i
reverse = i << (3 * 8)
for _ in 1...8 {
if (forward & 1) == 1 {
forward = (forward >> 1) ^ poly
} else {
forward >>= 1
if (reverse & 0x80000000) != 0 {
reverse = ((reverse ^ poly) << 1) | 1
} else {
reverse <<= 1
return (forwardTable, reverseTable)
But, now I'm very stuck on how to take the data and create a reverse crc32:
func reverseCRC(data: NSData) -> UInt32 {
var bytes = [UInt8](count: data.length, repeatedValue: 0)
data.getBytes(&bytes, length:data.length * sizeof(UInt8))
return 0
Through various searching, I have come up with this:
func reverseCRC32WithData(data: NSData, wantedCRC: UInt32 = 0) -> UInt32 {
var reversedCRC = wantedCRC
var bytes = [UInt8](count: data.length, repeatedValue: 0)
data.getBytes(&bytes, length:data.length * sizeof(UInt8))
// Drop trailing 1 if exists
let bufferLength = (data.length >> 1) << 1
for i in 0.stride(to: bufferLength + 4, by: sizeof(UInt16)) {
var word: UInt16 = 0x0000
if i < bufferLength {
let b1 = bytes[bufferLength - 2 - i]
let b2 = bytes[bufferLength - 1 - i]
word = (UInt16(b1) << 8) | UInt16(b2)
} else {
word = 0xffff
reversedCRC = ((reversedCRC << 8) & 0xffffffff) ^ ReverseTable[Int((reversedCRC >> 24) & 0xff)] ^ (UInt32(word) >> 8) & 0xff
reversedCRC = ((reversedCRC << 8) & 0xffffffff) ^ ReverseTable[Int((reversedCRC >> 24) & 0xff)] ^ (UInt32(word) & 0xff)
return reversedCRC
But, I don't really understand it (particularly the last 2 lines), and I'm unsure how to test its accuracy. If anyone can help in that direction.
I have a firmware update that I'm transmitting to hardware via bluetooth, and once all of the data for the firmware update has been transmitted, I submit a validation payload in the form of a:
Reversed CRC 32 (Big Endian)