I wrote a console app to test various scenarios. Though I need to try more cases, only two of the ones I have implemented succeed at this point:
- NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior
- NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier
The source code is below if you are interested. Also, I am only testing the creation of resource groups for now, because that is much less intensive that creating Sql Server instances. Both seem to produce the same errors.
Initial Results
The result output shows the case, the outcome, and the cue to continue.
WebApp with ClientCertificate
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientCredential
AuthorizationFailed: The client '7a31a564-20ba-4ac1-a2ee-4f5e35a70dcc' with object id '7a31a564-20ba-4ac1-a2ee-4f5e35a70dcc' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/write' ov
er scope '/subscriptions/14929cfc-3501-48cf-a5c9-b24a7daaf694/resourcegroups/MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME635776010237527878'.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientCredential_UserAssertion
AADSTS50027: Invalid JWT token. AADSTS50027: Invalid JWT token. Token format not valid.
Trace ID: a64f0683-23ae-4461-8546-55293f7ff1d3
Correlation ID: 62cc80e9-f013-4a74-8031-3294e69d4478
Timestamp: 2015-09-12 03:43:57Z
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientAssertion_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientCertificate_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_RedirectUri
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_UserCredential
missing_federation_metadata_url: Federation Metadata Url is missing for federated user. This user type is unsupported.
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior
AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'.
Trace ID: 06fde160-bd2b-4f16-b49e-0f0ff8e17f48
Correlation ID: baabb83f-cebb-48ba-b2be-1efb53ec3121
Timestamp: 2015-09-12 03:44:21Z
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier
AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'.
Trace ID: 6110ef02-a6b0-4e41-b0e5-db97b13c66ce
Correlation ID: e6f6526a-8395-480a-8ac7-b75903b324d9
Timestamp: 2015-09-12 03:44:30Z
Press any key to continue.
WebApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier_ExtraQueryParams
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientCertificate
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientCredential
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: clientSecret
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientCredential_UserAssertion
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: clientSecret
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientAssertion_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientCertificate_UserAssertion
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_UserCredential
missing_federation_metadata_url: Federation Metadata Url is missing for federated user. This user type is unsupported.
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior
Success! Created MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME635776011040240760
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier
Success! Created MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME635776011079693849
Press any key to continue.
NativeClientApp with ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier_ExtraQueryParams
The method or operation is not implemented.
Press any key to continue.
Testing complete.:)
using System;
using Microsoft.Azure;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resources;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resources.Models;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Models;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
namespace CreateNewAzureSQLServer
class Program
private static string
domain = "MY_DOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com",
resource = "https://management.azure.com/",
subscriptionId = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
clientId_web = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
clientSecret_web = "xxxxx=",
redirectUri_web = "http://myWebApp",
clientId_native = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
clientSecret_native = string.Empty,
redirectUri_native = "http://myNativeClientApp",
userName = "MY_USERNAME",
userPassword = "MY_PASSWORD",
adminAccountName = "MY_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME",
adminAccountPwd = "MY_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_PWD",
resourceGroupName = "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME",
serverName = "MY_SERVER_NAME",
location = "West US";
private static AuthenticationResult GetAccessToken(
string clientId, string redirectUri, string clientSecret, AuthType type)
var authority = "https://login.windows.net/" + domain;
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
AuthenticationResult token = null;
switch (type)
case AuthType.ClientCertificate:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientAssertion:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientCredential:
token = authContext.AcquireToken(resource,
new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret));
case AuthType.ClientId_UserAssertion:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientCredential_UserAssertion:
token = authContext.AcquireToken(resource,
new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret),
new UserAssertion(userPassword, "username", userName));
case AuthType.ClientAssertion_UserAssertion:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientCertificate_UserAssertion:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientId_RedirectUri:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case AuthType.ClientId_UserCredential:
token = authContext.AcquireToken(resource,
new UserCredential(userName, userPassword));
case AuthType.ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior:
token = authContext.AcquireToken(resource,
new Uri(redirectUri),
case AuthType.ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier:
var cred = new UserCredential(userName);
token = authContext.AcquireToken(resource,
new Uri(redirectUri),
new UserIdentifier(cred.UserName, UserIdentifierType.RequiredDisplayableId));
case AuthType.ClientId_RedirectUri_PromptBehavior_UserIdentifier_ExtraQueryParams:
throw new NotImplementedException();
return token;
static void CreateSqlServer(TokenCloudCredentials creds)
var client = new SqlManagementClient(creds);
var someProperties = new ServerCreateOrUpdateProperties
AdministratorLogin = adminAccountName,
AdministratorLoginPassword = adminAccountPwd,
Version = "12"
var parameters = new ServerCreateOrUpdateParameters(someProperties, location);
ServerGetResponse aCreateResponse
= client.Servers.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters);
static string CreateResourceGroup(TokenCloudCredentials creds)
var uniqueResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
var resourceClient = new ResourceManagementClient(creds);
var resourceGroupParameters = new ResourceGroup()
Location = location
var resourceGroupResult = resourceClient
.CreateOrUpdate(uniqueResourceGroupName, resourceGroupParameters);
return uniqueResourceGroupName;
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (AppType appType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AppType)))
var clientId = appType == AppType.WebApp ? clientId_web : clientId_native;
var clientSecret = appType == AppType.WebApp ? clientSecret_web : clientSecret_native;
var redirectUri = appType == AppType.WebApp ? redirectUri_web : redirectUri_native;
foreach (AuthType authType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AuthType)))
Console.WriteLine(appType.ToString() + " with " + authType.ToString());
var token = GetAccessToken(clientId, redirectUri, clientSecret, authType);
var creds = new TokenCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, token.AccessToken);
var resourceGroupName = CreateResourceGroup(creds);
Console.WriteLine("Success! Created " + resourceGroupName);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
Console.WriteLine("Testing complete.:)");
enum AppType
enum AuthType
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Hyak.Common" version="1.0.2" targetFramework="net452" />
<package id="Microsoft.Azure.Common" version="2.1.0" targetFramework="net452" />
<package id="Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication" version="1.1.5-preview" targetFramework="net452" />
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<package id="Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resources" version="2.18.7-preview" targetFramework="net452" />
<package id="Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql" version="0.38.0-prerelease" targetFramework="net452" />
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<package id="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory" version="2.18.206251556" targetFramework="net452" />
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? – Shaun LuttinMicrosoft.Azure.Management.Sql
? It is not in my NuGet feed. No worries. Found it with-IncludePrerelease
flag. – Shaun Luttin