I am using Azure app service api to view server details like worker process and region etc. for management purpose. After generating token from AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync method, I am requesting following URL for server details https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<sub ID>/resourceGroups/<resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/?api-version=2018-02-01
In the response I am getting AuthorizationFailed error code with the detail given bellow:
The client does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/read' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/xxxxxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/xxxx' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.
But when I try the same verification using https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/appservice/appserviceenvironments/get portal where I can try the APIs for testing, the request is returning expected results.
So, is there any other way to authenticate or should I have to define some permissions to achieve the functionality?