
I am using Azure app service api to view server details like worker process and region etc. for management purpose. After generating token from AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync method, I am requesting following URL for server details https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<sub ID>/resourceGroups/<resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/?api-version=2018-02-01

In the response I am getting AuthorizationFailed error code with the detail given bellow:

The client does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/read' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/xxxxxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/xxxx' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.

But when I try the same verification using https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/appservice/appserviceenvironments/get portal where I can try the APIs for testing, the request is returning expected results.

So, is there any other way to authenticate or should I have to define some permissions to achieve the functionality?

The app you are using for authentication should have the necessary RBAC roles set in the Access Control (IAM) tab of the resource, resource group, or subscription.juunas

2 Answers


The service principal you are using doesn't have rights within that tenant.

Tenants have subscriptions and service principals belong to tenants. Azure resource manager also exposes role based authorization for a given principal, which would give it rights on Azure resources. It appears the service principal doesn't have rights to read from that subscription.

Go to portal and find your subscription, click on Access Control (IAM) and then click on Add role assignment with correspond service principal which you use to acquire token.

After you have given successful permission, refresh and try again.


I had the same problem. Initially, I went ahead and added to my user the "Web Plan Contributor" role, as it is the one that should handle those things. Nothing changed - I still had this error.

What turned actual problem turned out to be is a wrong resource group... Turns out I copied some old script where WebAppPlans were in separate RG, and I was searching the app plan there. Completely missleading error. I guess it will bring up the same error message even if the App Plan simply doesn't exist.