When I use Function
to define a non-structurally recursive function in Coq, the resulting object behaves strangely when a specific computation is asked. Indeed, instead of giving directly the result, the Eval compute in ...
directive return a rather long (typically 170 000 lines) expression. It seems that Coq cannot evaluate everything, and therefore returns a simplified (but long) expression instead of just a value.
The problem seems to come from the way I prove the obligations generated by Function
. First, I thought the problem came from the opaque terms I used, and I converted all the lemmas to transparent constants. By the way, is there a way to list the opaque terms appearing in a term ? Or any other way to turn opaque lemmas into transparent ones ?
I then remarked that the problem came more precisely from the proof that the order used is well-founded. But I got strange results.
For example, I define log2
on the natural numbers by repeatedly applying div2
. Here is the definition:
Function log2 n {wf lt n} :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| 1 => 0
| n => S (log2 (Nat.div2 n))
I get two proof obligations. The first one checks that n
respects the relation lt
in the recursive calls and can be proved easily.
forall n n0 n1 : nat, n0 = S n1 -> n = S (S n1) -> Nat.div2 (S (S n1)) < S (S n1)
intros. apply Nat.lt_div2. apply le_n_S. apply le_0_n.
The second one checks that lt
is a well-founded order. This is already proved in the standard library. The corresponding lemma is Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.lt_wf
If I use this proof, the resulting function behaves normally. Eval compute in log24 10.
returns 3
But if I want to do the proof myself, I do not always get this behaviour. First, if I end the proof with Qed
instead of Defined
, the result of the computation (even on small numbers) is a complex expression and not a single number. So I use Defined
and try to use only transparent lemmas.
Lemma lt_wf2 : well_founded lt.
unfold well_founded. intros n.
apply (lemma1 n). clear n.
intros. constructor. apply H.
Here, lemma1 is a proof of the well-founded induction on the natural numbers. Here again, I can use already existing lemmas, such as lt_wf_ind
, lt_wf_rec
, lt_wf_rec1
located in Coq.Arith.Wf_nat
, or even well_founded_ind lt_wf
. The first one does not work, it seems this is because it is opaque. The three others work.
I tried to prove it directly using the standard induction on the natural numbers, nat_ind
. This gives:
Lemma lemma1 : forall n (P:nat -> Prop),
(forall n, (forall p, p < n -> P p) -> P n) -> P n.
intros n P H. pose proof (nat_ind (fun n => forall p, p < n -> P p)).
simpl in H0. apply H0 with (n:=S n).
- intros. inversion H1.
- intros. inversion H2.
+ apply H. exact H1.
+ apply H1. assumption.
- apply le_n.
With this proof (and some variants of it), log2
has the same strange behaviour. And this proof seems to use only transparent objects, so maybe the problem is not there.
How can I define a Function
that returns understandable results on specific values ?
Print Opaque Dependencies log2
can be used to list the opaque terms used inlog2
. – eponier