Somewhere between 5 and 8 years ago (probably 6 or 7) I wrote a full Formalization of Bubble Sort in Coq. One of the earliest Lemmas proven was the one in the title, which I called "sub_succ_r" (or maybe it's the standard name?):
forall n m : nat, (n - (S m))%nat = pred(n - m)
Now, back then, this was the very simple proof for that Lemma:
intros n m.
induction n m using n_double_ind.
apply sub_0_r.
"sub_0_r" is the Lemma that asserts that
forall n : nat, (n - 0)%nat = n
Now, attentive readers who are also familiar with modern Coq might have already spotted the problem with the old proof: that second line.
induction n m
i.e. simultaneous induction on 2 terms, doesn't work any more, not even when specifying that one is using "n_double_ind". I've been wracking my head over how to prove this using first induction over n and then induction over m, but I just can't figure it out.
Any help, great or small, would be much appreciated.