
So, I have a Crystal Report I am working on where the background image is set in the report and I have a fixed space for the Description section where I print my details sections. A subreport is used to align the text over this section in the image. Basically, the customer wants me to use all seven lines in the Description (the subreport), then when the seven lines are used, a second page will print (same background image) and the lines will continue in the same description area.

The problem is that I now have to have multiple details sections. The report was already built to overflow to the second page using a counter of rows returned (if > 7 then the next page would be used). This worked with one details section. But now I have to print multiple fields of data across 2-4 lines.

So what I need is a count of details sections printed to make this work, since I have details a, details b, details c, details d, and details e.

Does Crystal have an easy way to count how many details sections are printed per record, not just how many records are printed?


1 Answers


create a local variable in detail section and increment it and then reset at the start of group footer or report footer.

intialise the varialbe create a formula @Ini

Shared Numbervar count:=0;  //place in header

Increment the variable, create a formula @Count

Shared Numbervar count;   // place in details

Reset the variable @reset

Shared Numbervar count;  // place in footer