
I have a Crystal Reports question on suppressing different details sections, appreciate any help you could give.

I have 2 details sections, A and B, and I want detailsA to show only on page 1 and detailsB to show only on page 2, but I can't get it to work using conditional suppressing. For detailsA I suppressed based on the following formula:

if pagenumber = 1 then

formula = false


formula = true

end if

And similarly for the detailsB. But when I then go to print this, it only shows page 1 (with detailsA only), it doesn't print a page 2. How do I force page 2 to also print?

(by the way, I'm using Crystal Reports 10, in case that's relevant)


1 Answers


Conditional-suppression formulae:

//section a

//section b

** edit **

I suspect the following:

  • Suppression formula suppresses page 1.
  • Page 2 now is now page 1
  • Suppression formula suppresses page 1 (nee 2).

The easiest solution would be to enable 'force new page after' on details A.