
I'm using Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008.

I have each item in a group printing on a separate page. There is a footer section which is set to Print at the Bottom of the Page. I am suppressing the page when its data is 0 by suppressing all sections with a formula.

The problem I have is that when the footer is set to bottom of the page, the suppressed page is printed as a blank page. When I turn off bottom of the page, and use NewPageBefore with the formula instead, the page is suppressed correctly, but when I turn on "bottom of the page", I get a blank page.

I have checked for unsuppressed sections, but they are all either suppressed with the checkbox or the formula.

"When I turn on bottom of the page, and use NewPageBefore with the formula instead, the page is suppressed correctly" - do you mean, when you turn off bottom of the page, and use NewPageBefore with the formula instead, the page is suppressed correctly?user359040
@Mark, thanks for that, fixed.kristianp

3 Answers


I had this issue before, which took me quite a lot of time to find a workaround. Hopefully putting the answer here will save some time for others.

Whenever you enable "Print at Bottom of Page" for a section, make sure other sections that come after that (including Report Footer and Page Footer) are all suppressed, otherwise there will be an empty page printed at the end. Note that keeping them empty or ultimately narrow is not enough, they must be suppressed explicitly.

I had an empty report footer with a 0 height, and I thought it would take no space and will not cause an issue; but I was wrong. I had to explicitly suppress that footer to solve the issue.

If the sections coming after that are suppressed via a formula, make sure the formula is satisfied on the last record.


I am a complete novice here, but I had to build a report for work and figure out how to do this.

I had the same issue - but caused by two separate reasons. First, when I checked the 'page after' to keep each group on its own page, I had a blank page at the end. I simply added a formula 'Not OnLastRecord'.

Then, the second issue was the 'print footer at bottom of page' - I wanted each sub-group to start a new column at top of page. This also created a blank page at the end (if I turned off the 'print footer at bottom' the page disappeared). I followed Sina Irvanian's advide here and suppressed the footers that came after it. I only suppressed the ones that were blank since my page footer had content - this was sufficient.

Problem solved!


It sounds as though NewPageBefore is unconditionally checked on the footer section. If so, try unchecking it and checking NewPageAfter instead.

Alternatively, if a new page has to be begun before the footer section which is then printed at the bottom of the following page when the data is not 0, try unchecking the NewPageBefore option and instead enter the opposite of the conditional suppress formula in the conditional NewPageBefore formula - ie. data is not 0.