
I am trying to print on Dot matrix printer, report is printed fine but detail section of crystal report is printed twice.

but same crystal report printed fine on laser printer not twice.

Note : i attached image bellow of report thatenter image description here are printed on Dot matrix printer

Most likely a printer driver issue. What version of CR? What type of printer (make/model)?campagnolo_1
crystal report verson - SAP Crystal Reports,version for Visual Studio 2010 version-, printer (make/model) - campagnolo_1Shriram Sapate

1 Answers


1) Make sure you have the latest CR for VS version. I thinnk they're up to 13.0.8 now http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-7824

2) Make sure you have the latest updates for the printer driver

3) Make sure the printer driver is Unicode compliant

4) Experiment with the "No Printer" option and Dissociate Formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size option