
Hi I am having problem printing my crystal report on dot matrix printer. the output become shrank. I already check the page setup of my crystal report and it is set to a4 same with the printer setup. I am using SAP crystal report and my printer is Epson LX 310 and LX 300.

please set it to 'Generic' or 'No Printer' may solve your problem, and always cross checked it *.txt export when designing dot matrix reportsArsalan Khan
@ArsalanKhan where do i see the 'Generic' or 'No Printer' on crystal report? thank you responding to my questionJack Frost
File -> Page Setup here you see Printer SetupArsalan Khan
@ArsalanKhan Thank you my problem was solvedJack Frost

1 Answers


File -> Page Setup here you see Printer Setup,please set it to 'Generic' or 'No Printer' may solve your problem, and always cross checked it *.txt export when designing dot matrix reports