I am using Three.js to render Fallout 3 objects in WebGL. The JavaScript for a similar object rendering can be found here. Most objects, along with their normals, have been loading just fine... Until I tried to load the brahmin...
So, as you can see, the texture and normals are imported into Blender just fine. But when I export the NIF file to a WaveFront OBJ file (coupled with a MTL file), it renders completely invisible. After purposely putting a typo in the MTL file for the JPG or DDS filepath, I found that it rendered as a white brahmin (no texture). Are there specific export settings that I am missing here (please note that I have exported these types of objects before)? Is there some significance behind the rendering being transparent? The files can be found here.
Note: there are no errors being thrown relating to textures not loading correctly.
Finally, for further reference, here is what it looks like when trying to export this misunderstood creature:
I appreciate your help, thank you.