i did my own custom 3d object on blender, its a simple UV Sphere with the earth mape as texture.
after loading it an rendering it on blender the object is appearing with no texture.
this is my mtl file:
newmtl Material.001
Ns 96.078431
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd earth.jpg
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni 1.000000
i made sure to put everything in place "the earth.jpg" in the res/drawble directory
this is my code to load the obj
IParser myParser = Parser.createParser(Parser.Type.OBJ, getResources(), "com.min3dtest:raw/earth_obj",true);
faceObject3D = myParser.getParsedObject();
faceObject3D.position().x = faceObject3D.position().y = faceObject3D.position().z = 0;
faceObject3D.scale().x = faceObject3D.scale().y = faceObject3D.scale().z = 0.009f; // Depending on the model you will need to change the scale
guys please help what could be the probelm ??