
I understand when using case syntax in systemverilog, we need to fully describe all combinations or add a default to avoid latches.

Here is my example code, no latches are generated:

 module test(
input logic[2:0] op,
output logic a,b,c



     0: {a,b,c} = {1'b1,1'b1,1'b0};
     1: {a,b,c} = {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0};
     2: {a,b,c} = {1'b0,1'b1,1'b0};
     default: {a,b,c} = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};

As I said in the beginning, if add a default, not latches are generated. Please look the second code, which is a ALU design:

module ALU(
output logic[31:0] Result,
output logic Zero, Overflow, Negative, Carryout,

input logic [5:0]ALUOp_i,
input logic [31:0] ALU_A_i, ALU_B_i,
input logic [4:0] Shamt

logic [31:0] adder_b;



 /*Add_trap*/   0,1: {Carryout,Result} = {ALU_A_i[31],ALU_A_i} + {ALU_B_i[31],ALU_B_i};
 /*Subtrap*/    2,3: 
 /*Sub_notrap*/    begin
             adder_b = ALU_B_i ^ {32{1'b1}};
             {Carryout,Result} = {ALU_A_i[31],ALU_A_i} + {adder_b[31],adder_b} + 1;

/*SLL*/         8: Result = ALU_B_i << Shamt;
/*SLLV*/        9: Result = ALU_B_i << ALU_A_i;
/*SRA*/         10: Result = ALU_B_i >>> Shamt;
/*SRAV*/        11: Result = ALU_B_i >>> ALU_A_i;
/*SRL*/         12: Result = ALU_B_i >> Shamt;
/*SRLV*/        13: Result = ALU_B_i >> ALU_A_i;
/*AND*/         14: Result = ALU_A_i && ALU_B_i;
/*OR*/          15: Result = ALU_A_i || ALU_B_i;
/*XOR*/         16: Result = ALU_A_i ^^ ALU_B_i;
               Result = 0;
               Carryout = 0;
               adder_b = 0;

The code above will generated latches, here is the result given by Quartus II:

Warning (10240): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at ALU.sv(16): inferring latch(es) for variable "Carryout", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct

Warning (10240): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at ALU.sv(16): inferring latch(es) for variable "adder_b", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct

Error (10166): SystemVerilog RTL Coding error at ALU.sv(16): always_comb construct does not infer purely combinational logic.

I did added a default in the end of the case, can some one explain what is going on? Many thanks.

One code suggestion: Why not do a subtraction instead of manually trying to negate ALU_B_i? Your synthesis tool should be able to figure out how to do a subtract operation.nguthrie
Yes, your correct. My first ALU design exercise used that code, and its worked fine, so I just copy and paste that code in every ALU I designed afterwards.Shuaiyu Jiang

2 Answers


The clean and easy solution here is to assign a default value Carryout at the beginning of the always_comb block. The last assignment will win, so any branch that does not assign a value to Carryout will get the default value.

A simple example of how the last assignment wins is shown below:

always_comb begin
   Carryout = 1'b0;
   if(some_condition) begin
      Carryout = 1'b1;

In the above code Carryout is assigned to 0, and then if some_condition is true it is reassigned to 1. If some_condition is false, then it just keeps the "default" value of 0. This all happens in the same time step, so there is not transient glitch on the output.


While you are correct about multiple paths through a case statement (and needing a default clause), latches are also generated if a signal isn't present in every branch. In this case, Carryout and adder_b are only present in some of the paths. As a result, your synthesis tool assumes you want the values to be stored, which generates a latch.

You'll need to assign some value to those signals in every branch of the case. For example:

/*SLL*/         8: begin
                      Result = ALU_B_i << Shamt;
                      ader_b = 0;
                      Carryout = 0;

Repeat for the other branches.