The statements in procedural blocks execute seqeuntially so why aren't any of the block1, block2 or block3 inferring a latch?
module testing(
input logic a, b, c,
output logic x, y, z, v
logic tmp_ref, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
always_comb begin: ref_block
tmp_ref = a & b;
x = tmp_ref ^ c;
always_comb begin: block1
y = tmp1 ^ c;
tmp1 = a & b;
always @(*) begin: block2
tmp2 <= a & b;
z = tmp2 ^ c;
always @(c) begin: block3
tmp3 = a & b;
v = tmp3 ^ c;
endmodule: testing
In block1 y is calculated using the blocking assignment before the new value of tmp1 is available.
In block2 tmp2 is calculated using a non-blocking assignment, which should postpone the assignment for when the always block finishes. Meanwhile, z is calculated using the blocking assignment and the new value of tmp2 is not yet available.
In block3 there is an incomplete sensitivity list and still no latch.
Here is the synthesis result from Quartus II 14.1:
Only when I add this block a latch is inferred:
//infers a latch
always @(*) begin: block4
if (c == 1'b1) begin
tmp4 = a & b;
w = tmp4 ^ c;
Can someone please explain why incomplete sensitivity list or using a variable before the value is updated does not infer a latch in a combinatorial block?