I am still not sure how the array slicing works in System Verilog?
For example, let's say that I have a packed 2D array.
localparam [0:2][4:0] TEMP = {5'd4,5'd9,5'd20};
So my array has three rows and each row is a 5-bit number.
So, when I am trying to do something like this, it doesn't quite work !!!
logic [1:0] arr;
assign arr = TEMP[0][1:0]
How come this doesn't work? The compiler doesn't complain, but the simulation shows all 'X !!
Here I am including the module that has the issue:
module slice_issue ();
// clock and reset
reg board_resetl;
reg tb_clkh;
parameter CLK_PER = 4;
always #(CLK_PER/2) tb_clkh = ~ tb_clkh;
initial begin: main_process
board_resetl = 0;
tb_clkh = 0;
@(posedge tb_clkh);
board_resetl = 1;
localparam logic [4:0] PARAM_1 = 14;
localparam logic [4:0] PARAM_2 = 18;
localparam logic [4:0] PARAM_3 = 26;
localparam [0:2] [4:0] CAND_MODE_LIST = {PARAM_1, PARAM_2, PARAM_3};
logic [1:0] temp;
logic [4:0] temp2;
logic [1:0] in_pred_mode;
logic [4:0] cnt_reg;
always @ (posedge tb_clkh or negedge board_resetl)
if (~board_resetl) begin
in_pred_mode <= 0;
cnt_reg <= 0;
end else
cnt_reg <= cnt_reg + 1;
if (cnt_reg == 31) begin
in_pred_mode <= $urandom_range(0, 1);
// bad
assign temp = CAND_MODE_LIST[in_pred_mode][1:0];
// good
assign temp2 = CAND_MODE_LIST[in_pred_mode];
so there could be a race at time 0 before arr assigned; it could still be 'x. You need to show a complete self-contained example. – dave_59arr
is 'x? Where is the $display – dave_59