I am building a very simple maintenance app for a website hosted on Azure. I want to display a few details such as website online status (on/off), server location, latest deployment(s) and so forth. So rather then browsing the azure portal I want to see a few things on a single page in the maintenance app.
https://resources.azure.com shows off the azure management API I want to use.
The question is how can I get back a JSON object with information displayed above? A call would be made at the following url: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/Default-Web-NorthEurope/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/my-website?api-version=2014-06-01
Apart from the API endpoints, the application above doesn't tell me much. For example how does the authentication object needed looks like (the one used during a GET/POST)? I am building this in C#.