
I am creating an Azure API APP, VS2013, new project (API APP, preview), installed new azure sdk for vs 2013.

Creation was successful, build just fine. tested the app locally, good. now I right click on project and then click publish as suggested here https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-dotnet-deploy-api-app/ I get the following error in my AzureApp Service Activity window in VS:

Registering the Azure resource provider Creating the Azure resource group HammerHeadResourceGroup Creating the API App HammerHeadApiApp Exception: Deployment failed for /subscriptions/cd0dd0a0-7d5c-4fd5-9c4a-c3a823bf94f4/resourceGroups/HammerHeadResourceGroup/deployments/ema_apiapp_deployment Error in /subscriptions/cd0dd0a0-7d5c-4fd5-9c4a-c3a823bf94f4/resourcegroups/HammerHeadResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/Microsoft-ApiApp9ea2693c4a6148f591cc32cfdb14be1f/siteextensions/Microsoft.ApiApp: none Error in /subscriptions/cd0dd0a0-7d5c-4fd5-9c4a-c3a823bf94f4/resourcegroups/HammerHeadResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/ApiAppDeployment_bd094637090e46749d80a82bf9f9db6d: ResourceDeploymentFailure: The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. Azure API App provisioning failed

Please advice.

Have you tried creating an API app via portal.azure.com? And if so, did that work successfully using the same Azure subscription?devhammer
Agreed. I had similar issues and found that using the portal worked.DanielG

2 Answers


I ran into the same thing publishing from VS. When I went into the Resource Group on the azure portal and clicked deployments I could see the real error message which was "Location 'Central US' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time."

deployments error


Thank You, While I am publishing from VS, I am also creating a Resource group and service app plan, which failed. But then I used the Default resource group and the respective service app, then it worked.