I already posted this on the AHK forums, but I think the information is useful enough to get archived on Stackoverflow as well. :)
Tools & getting started
First of all, if you want to do things like logins, you should probably learn some HTML and the basics about the HTTP protocol. Fiddler and SetProxy(2,"localhost:8888") will help you A LOT with the debugging and reverse engineering. I also recommend using an add on for your browser to quickly clean your cookies.
Example 1 (IP Board forums)
Okay, now let's take a look at some examples. What would a login to the autohotkey.com forum look like?
To reverse engineer the login of taht site I simply analyzed the browsers HTTP requests to autohotkey.com (use Fiddler or F12 in your browser for that) and by some trial and error I was able to minimize it to the basics. We need exactly two requests and the login needs one request header, as well as 3 POST data parameters.
Here is what we are basically gonna do:
- Do a simple GET request on http://www.autohotkey.com/board/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=login
- Extract the auth_key parameter form the login form from the response body (ResponseText)
- Create the POST data string containing the auth_key parameter as well as the username, password and rememberMe parameter for the login
- Set the Content-Type header for the next request
- Send the POST data string to http://www.autohotkey.com/board/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=login&do=process
- Analyze the response body checking if the HTML documents title starts with the words "Sign In". If so, then you're obviously not signed in (the login failed/wrong login data). If the title is different, then the login was successfull.
Example 1 code
;Prepare our WinHttpRequest object
HttpObj := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
;HttpObj.SetProxy(2,"localhost:8888") ;Send data through Fiddler
HttpObj.SetTimeouts(6000,6000,6000,6000) ;Set timeouts to 6 seconds
;HttpObj.Option(6) := False ;disable location-header rediects
;Set our URLs
loginSiteURL := "http://www.autohotkey.com/board/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=login"
loginURL := "http://www.autohotkey.com/board/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=login&do=process"
;Set our login data
username := "Brutosozialprodukt"
password := "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
rememberMe := "1"
;Step 1
;Step 2
auth_key := match1
;Step 3
loginBody := "auth_key=" auth_key "&ips_username=" username "&ips_password=" password "&rememberMe=" rememberMe
;Step 4/5
;Step 6
If (InStr(HttpObj.ResponseText,"<title>Sign In"))
MsgBox, The login failed!
MsgBox, Login was successfull!
This will probably work for most IPB forums if change the URLs properly.
Example 2 (phpbb forums)
Let's do another login to the new/other AHK forum (this will be much easier).
- Create the POST data containing username, password and the autologin parameter
- Set the Content-Type header
- Send the POST data to http://ahkscript.org/boards/ucp.php?mode=login
- Analyze the response body checking if the HTML documents title starts with the word "Login". If so, then you're obviously not logged in yet (the login failed/wrong login data). If the title is different, then the login was successfull.
Example 2 code
;Prepare our WinHttpRequest object
HttpObj := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
;HttpObj.SetProxy(2,"localhost:8888") ;Send data through Fiddler
HttpObj.SetTimeouts(6000,6000,6000,6000) ;Set timeouts to 6 seconds
;HttpObj.Option(6) := False ;disable location-header rediects
;Set our URLs
loginURL := "http://ahkscript.org/boards/ucp.php?mode=login"
;Set our login data
username := "Brutosozialprodukt"
password := "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
autologin := "on"
;Step 1
loginBody := "username=" username "&password=" password "&autologin=" autologin "&login=Login"
;Step 2/3
;Step 4
If (InStr(HttpObj.ResponseText,"<title>Login"))
MsgBox, The login failed!
MsgBox, Login was successfull!
This will probably work for most phpbb forums if change the URLs properly.