I have a stage and a container on a single Canvas.
Inside the the stage I add a Container
which contains two rectangle shapes. I bind a function to the stagemousedown
event of the stage which returns the shape under the coordinates where the event took place through getObjectUnderPoint
<body onload="init();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="200">
<button onclick="zoom()">zoom it</button>
Function which initialize the stage, container and the two rectangles:
function init() {
stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
container = new createjs.Container();
var rect1 = new createjs.Shape();
rect1.graphics.beginFill("#ff0000").drawRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
var rect2 = new createjs.Shape();
rect2.graphics.beginFill("#00ff00").drawRect(120, 10, 100, 100);
stage.on('stagemousedown', onClick);
stage.addChild( container );
The function that returns the item under the stagemousedown
function onClick(e) {
alert(stage.getObjectUnderPoint(e.stageX, e.stageY));
This works smoothly until I put zoom: 2
CSS to body through the zoom function
. Once I click on the edge of the rectangle, I am not getting the object.
function zoom(){
document.body.style.zoom = 2;
container.scaleX = container.scaleY = 2;
I read, that EaselJS doesn't work with zoomed canvases. So I put this:
container.scaleX = container.scaleY = 2;
Which works partially, because there are part of the area which is still not clickable:
Everything outside the black rectangle area is not triggering the stagemousedown
How can I be able to make this work?
NOTE: I need to use the stage.on method and not container.addEventListener
EDIT: Thanks, but the zoom is something I need, because the purpose of the whole thing is to have the whole application zoomed for responsive purposes (without zooming every single html element).
So, I zoom the body, and everything is zoomed like this: