🔫 JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML
JSON has been widely adopted by people who found that it made it a lot easier to produce distributed applications and services. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json
RFC 4627
. JSON filenames use the extension .json
► JavaScript Object Notation (JSON
) is a lightweight, text-based, language-independent data interchange format. JSON has been used to exchange data between applications written in any Programming language.
The JSON object is a single object that contains two functions, parse and stringify, that are used to parse and construct JSON texts.
- JSON.stringify produces a String that conforms to the following JSON grammar.
- JSON.parse accepts a String that conforms to the JSON grammar.
The parseJSON method will be included in the Fourth Edition of ECMAScript
. In the meantime, a JavaScript implementation is available at json.org.
var objLiteral = {foo: 42}; // JavaScript Object
console.log('Object Literal : ', objLiteral ); // Object {foo: 42}foo: 42__proto__: Object
// This is a JSON String, like what you'd get back from an AJAX request.
var jsonString = '{"foo": 452}';
console.log('JOSN String : ', jsonString ); // {"foo": 452}
// This is how you deserialize that JSON String into an Object.
var serverResposnceObject = JSON.parse( jsonString );
console.log('Converting Ajax response to JavaScript Object : ', serverResposnceObject); // Object {foo: 42}foo: 42 __proto__: Object
// And this is how you serialize an Object into a JSON String.
var serverRequestJSON = JSON.stringify( objLiteral );
console.log('Reqesting server with JSON Data : ', serverRequestJSON); // '{"foo": 452}'
JSON is subset of JavaScript. Javascript was derived from the ECMAScript Programming Language Standard.
► ECMAScript
ECMAScript has grown to be one of the world's most widely used general purpose programming languages. It is best known as the language embedded in web browsers but has also been widely adopted for server and embedded applications. ECMAScript is based on several originating technologies, the most well-known being JavaScript
(Netscape Communications)) and JScript
(Microsoft Corporation).). Though before 1994, ECMA was known as "European Computer Manufacturers Association", after 1994, when the organization became global, the "trademark" "Ecma" was kept for historical reasons.
ECMAScript is the language, whereas JavaScript, JScript, and even ActionScript are called "Dialects"
Dialects have been derived from the same language. They are are quite similar to each other as they have been derived from the same language but they have undergone some changes.
A dialect is a variation in the language itself. It is derived from a single language.
- SQL Language - Hibernate MySQL Dialect, Oracle Dialect,.. which have some changes or added functionality.
Information about the browser and computer of your users.
navigator.appName // "Netscape"
ECMAScript is the scripting language that forms the basis of JavaScript. JavaScript
language resources
Initial Edition, June 1997
2nd Edition, August 1998
3rd Edition, December 1999
5th Edition, December 2009
5.1 Edition, June 2011
6th Edition, June 2015
7ᵗʰ Edition, June 2016
8th edition, June 2017
9th Edition, 2018
NOTE « 4th edition of ECMAScript not published as the work was incomplete.
JSON defines a small set of formatting rules for the portable representation of structured data.
► Key values must be quoted, only Strings are allowed for keys. If you use other than String it will convert to String. But not recommended to use keys other than String's. Check an example like this - { 'key':'val' }
over RFC 4627 - jsonformatter
var storage = {
0 : null,
1 : "Hello"
console.log( storage[1] ); // Hello
console.log( JSON.stringify( storage ) ); // {"0":null,"1":"Hello","2":"world!"}
var objLiteral = {'key1':'val1'};
var arr = [10, 20], arr2 = [ 'Yash', 'Sam' ];
var obj = { k: 'v' }, obj2 = { k2: 'v2' };
var fun = function keyFun() {} ;
objLiteral[ arr ] = 'ArrayVal'; objLiteral[ arr2 ] = 'OverridenArrayVal';
objLiteral[ obj ] = 'ObjectVal'; objLiteral[ obj2 ] = 'OverridenObjectVal';
objLiteral[ fun ] = 'FunctionVal';
console.log( objLiteral );
// Object {key1: "val1", 10,20: "ArrayVal", Yash,Sam: "OverridenArrayVal", [object Object]: "OverridenObjectVal", function keyFun() {}: "FunctionVal"}
console.log( JSON.stringify( objLiteral ) );
// {"key1":"val1","10,20":"ArrayVal","Yash,Sam":"OverridenArrayVal","[object Object]":"OverridenObjectVal","function keyFun() {}":"FunctionVal"}
console.log( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( objLiteral ) ) );
// Object {key1: "val1", 10,20: "ArrayVal", Yash,Sam: "OverridenArrayVal", [object Object]: "OverridenObjectVal", function keyFun() {}: "FunctionVal"}
console.log('Accessing Array Val : ', objLiteral[ [10,20] ] );
console.log('Accessing Object Val : ', objLiteral[ '[object Object]' ] );
console.log('Accessing Function Val : ', objLiteral[ 'function keyFun() {}' ] );
► JSON Strings must be quoted with " and not '. A string is very much like a C or Java string. Strings should be wrapped in double quotes.
- Literals are fixed values, not variables, that you literally provide in your script.
- A string is a sequence of zero or more characters wrapped in quotes with backslash escapement, the same notation used in most programming languages.
- 🔫 - Special Symbols are allowed in String but not recomended to use.
- \" - Special characters can be escaped. But not recomended to escape (') Single Quotes.
In Strict mode it will throw and Error -
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON
Check with this code { "Hai\" \n Team 🔫":5, "Bye \'": 7 }
over online JSON Edtions. Modes
var jsonString = "{'foo': 452}"; // {'foo': 452}
var jsonStr = '{"foo": 452}'; // {"foo": 452}
JSON.parse( jsonString ); // Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1(…)
JSON.parse( jsonStr ); // Object {foo: 452}
objLiteral['key'] = 'val'; // Object {foo: 42, key: "val"}
objLiteral.key2 = 'val';
// objLiteral.key\n3 - SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
objLiteral['key\n3'] = 'val'; // Object {"foo": "42", key: "val", key2: "val", "key↵3": "val"}
JSON.stringify( objLiteral ); // {"foo":"42","key":"val","key2":"val","key\n3":"val"}
Object Property accessors provide access to an object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation.
► You have a more limited range of values (e.g. no functions allowed). A value can be a string in double quotes, number, boolean, null, object, or array. These structures can be nested.
var objLiteral = {};
objLiteral.funKey = function sayHello() {
console.log('Object Key with function as value - Its outcome message.');
objLiteral['Key'] = 'Val';
console.log('Object Literal Fun : ', objLiteral );
// Object Literal Fun : Object {Key: "Val"}Key: "Val"funKey: sayHello()__proto__: Object
console.log( JSON.stringify( objLiteral ) ); // {"Key":"Val"}
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rq9Th.png)
► JavaScript
is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript Standard.
The core features of Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard, but Javascript also has other additional features that are not in the ECMA specifications/standard. Every browser has a JavaScript interpreter.
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. That means you don't have to specify the data type of a variable when you declare it, and data types are converted automatically as needed during script execution.
'37' - 7 // 30
'37' + 7 // "377"
+'37' + 7 // 44
+'37' // 37
'37' // "37"
parseInt('37'); // 37
parseInt('3.7'); // 3
parseFloat(3.7); // 3.7
// An alternative method of retrieving a number from a string is with the + (unary plus) operator:
+'3.7' // 3.7
Object literals
RFC 7159
An object structure is represented as a pair of curly brackets surrounding zero or more name/value pairs (or members). A name is a
string. A single colon comes after each name, separating the name from the value. A single comma separates a value from a following
name. The names within an object SHOULD be unique.
ECMAScript supports prototype-based inheritance. Every constructor has an associated prototype, and every object created by that constructor has an implicit reference to the prototype (called the object’s
prototype) associated with its constructor. Furthermore, a prototype may have a non-null implicit reference to its prototype, and so on; this is called the prototype chain.
In a class-based object-oriented language, in general, state is carried by instances, methods are carried by classes, and inheritance is only of structure and behavior. In ECMAScript, the state and methods are carried by objects, and structure, behavior, and state are all inherited.
A prototype is an object used to implement structure, state, and behavior inheritance in ECMAScript. When a constructor creates an object, that object implicitly references the constructor’s associated prototype for the purpose of resolving property references. The constructor’s associated prototype can
be referenced by the program expression constructor.prototype, and properties added to an object’s prototype are shared, through inheritance, by all objects sharing the prototype.