
I am using Polylang for translating my website. I have some problems managing the 'pretty' permalinks:

  • in English (EN) - it looks ok;
  • When switched to FR (same for NL) - from Home page it redirects to the posts page, which now has the same url, as the one wanted for the homepage in French: www.emixis.com/fr/ <--- this pags should be homepage, but it shows posts..

For displaying posts I have created a page called News (in EN, FR and NL) and I have set in Settings/Reading that this is the posts page. And indeed it works ok www.emixis.com/fr/news/

So the main issue is that the homepages in FR/NL can not be accessed because their urls are "taken" from the posts page...

Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem here ? Thanks a lot for any help!

Have you managed to solve it ? Cz I am not able to see the issue that you described ..Rohil_PHPBeginner
Yes, I just posted an answer. Thank you anyway, Rohil_PHPBeginner!Елена Буланова

2 Answers


I think there you need to change Reading Settings from the wp-admin,

You need to select static page option and then select Home page from the given drop-down list.

I hope it will resolve your issue, let me know if it will not work!


I figured it out, and it turned out to be quite unexpected reason...

So Polylang uses two letter codes for most of the languages (in this case fr for French and nl for Dutch).

My homepages in French and Dutch have slugs respectively /fr and /nl. For some reason this was causing the confusion and Wordpress was redirecting from the French homepage to the french index (which in that case is the posts page in french)

I changed the two letter codes in the Settings of Polylang (Settings/Languages/Settings) and now all works OK and all pages seem to be at the right place...