
I am having trouble trying to find the homepage for a wordpress site. I am not the original developer on this page. I have looked and looked for the page in pages, portfolio, posts, etc. The settings in reading is set to the default blog, when I go to appearance->customize->Static front page, It is set to latest posts. I was told by another employee that the previous developer was editing a file so I am wondering where this Blog file would be at? Also I am running the striking theme and inside the admin panel for the Blog section it said the page is set for news, however when I go to the news page it is completely empty. Does anyone have any ideas? I am not a big wordpress guy!


3 Answers


If you know the name of the theme being used(striking?) you should be able to find all custom files in


I'd check home.php or index.php

Hopefully that gives you a decent starting point.


A starting point is to look in Settings > Reading and check Front page displays.

What does it say?

Also have you read http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_a_Static_Front_Page ? May be useful.


The striking theme homepage is created by going to the admin->Striking->Homepage->Homepage Content