
I'm using Polylang to make my blog available in 6 languages. Globally it's working very well but I have one issue that I have not managed to solve. I posted it in the Wordpress area but got no response.

Default language is FR which means that the default homepage is the following: https://www.laurentwillen.be

each other version of the home page is using the following structure: https://www.laurentwillen.be/[language]

It works for all languages except for English while there is no difference in the configuration of that language.

Example: https://www.laurentwillen.be/nl/ works

https://www.laurentwillen.be/es/ works

https://www.laurentwillen.be/en/ doesn't work and returns a 404 which is then redirected to the default home in French.

Do you have any idea of what goes wrong ?

Thanks Laurent

What is your default language in WordPress options? Maybe default is english and your website address without language suffix is treated as english thats why you get 404 response. What is happening when you add french suffix to your address?kierzniak
French is the default language, all the other ones have been added afterwards but only EN was not working but now i have discovered the issue, it was coming from a conflicting category.Laurent

1 Answers


Probably you have not created the English version of your homepage. Plugin can't find the EN version of the page. IF the page already exist try to delete it and re-create it using polylang "+" option.