My code for an Altera FPGA has 8 memories, that I need to initialise using memory initialization files (mifs). To enable me to instantiate memories with different mifs, I make the following changes to the memory definition file.
original code
module my_memory (
input clk,addr,din,wen,ren;
output dout);
altsyncram_component.init_file = "memory_init.mif";
modified code
module my_memory (
input clk,addr,din,wen,ren;
output dout
parameter MIFNAME = "memory_init.mif";
altsyncram_component.init_file = MIFNAME,
This now allows me to instantiate multiple memory blocks and pass the initialisation file as a parameter.
My memory instantiation now looks like this
my_memory #(.MIFNAME("mem_0_init.mif") u_mem0 (...);
my_memory #(.MIFNAME("mem_1_init.mif") u_mem1 (...);
my_memory #(.MIFNAME("mem_2_init.mif") u_mem2 (...);
my_memory #(.MIFNAME("mem_3_init.mif") u_mem3 (...);
my_memory #(.MIFNAME("mem_4_init.mif") u_mem4 (...);
I then decide to use a generate to instantiate my memories
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<=4; i=i+1)
begin : MEM_INST
mem_memory #(.MIFNAME({"mem_",i,"_init.mif"}) u_mem (...);
However this does not work. The memory initialisation file parameter passed to each of the instantiation is incorrect.
What do I do?