
How do you prank a coworker or friend in a way that's hard to notice and fix? Preferably in JavaScript, and without having install any programs.

This question appears to be off-topic because it is about boring pranks replacing a stupid character that any decent editor would detect immediately.adeneo
@adeneo Actually, Sublime (a very popular code editor) will not detect this at all. As long as the code editor doesn't have a plugin like JShint, it should go undetected.Luc

1 Answers


Greek Question Mark - Semicolon Prank

(Tested in JavaScript)

Replace one or several semicolons in a coworker or friend's code with the Greek question mark:


(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_mark#Greek_question_mark)

If you compare the two they look exactly the same: ;;

The first ; is a greek question mark, and the second ; is a normal semicolon.

The greek question mark throws a SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL in JavaScript, and probably throws errors in other languages as well. Make sure you're saving the code file in Unicode/UTF-8.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any harm caused by this prank. Have fun!