I'm attempting to include a custom javascript file to manipulate my menu's in the Drupal 8 theme I am building. I followed the instructions in the Drupal 8 themeing guide, including it in my .info.yml file:
#js libraries
- dcf/base
and defining it in my .libraries.yml file:
version: 1.x
- core/drupal
- core/underscore
- core/backbone
- core/jquery
and finally creating a .theme file with a hook implementation (I'm not really a PHP developer, so I mostly did a copy/paste job from the example in the guide)
function dcf_page_alter(&$page) {
$page['#attached']['library'][] = 'dcf/base';
I clear the cache, log off to see the non-logged-in page (the admin view has a LOT of extra scripts and css files that it calls) and look at the source to see if my script is being loaded. All of the dependencies I listed in my library are being loaded, but not my script itself.
The script itself is just a basic test that should hide my main menu using JQuery, put into the 'strict' format the themeing guide mentions is required.
(function () {
"use strict";
// Custom javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
I'm at a loss at this point. My instinct is that the mistake is in my hook implementation, because I really don't understand Drupal's hook system, but as far as I can tell, it could still just be that they haven't finished implementing this yet for Drupal 8(I'm doing this to test Drupal 8 for my organizations upcoming website rebuild, and am currently running Drupal 8.0.x-beta2 with no additional modules installed)
tojs/endscripts.js: {}
and clearing cache. You also shouldn't need to reference the library in both the THEME.info.yml file and attach it in an alter hook, one will be sufficient – Clive