I got a little scope related problem with some js code, maybe somebody can explain to me what I'm making wrong:
I'm using extJs and got this snippet:
// Form for filter selection
var formFilter = new Ext.FormPanel({
// ...
items: [
cbGroup = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
fieldLabel: 'Group',
store: dsGroups,
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'number',
emptyText : '- Please choose a group -',
'select': function() {
alert(cbGroup.selectedIndex +' '+this.selectedIndex);
The problem: When I access the combobox over 'this' within the listener function, I get the correct result for the selectIndex property. When I access the combobox over it's var name, I allways get the result '-1'. Thank a lot for your help!