I am working on a mobile application with Ember. I want to make the user experience as good as possible and try to take into account that on mobile the connection is not always as good, that is why I want to utilize the loading routes with a loading spinner. Unfortunately in one case it is not behaving as I would expect:
In my Nested route Setup:
UserIndexRoute (=Profile)
On the UserRoute I only load a small version (=different model) of the user. In 95% of the cases this model is already loaded when I want to navigate there. And in the Subroutes (e.g. UserIndexRoute and UserFriendsRoute I only need the full user.
What I want to achieve is that the UserRoute with its template is directly rendered when navigating to e.g. UserIndexRoute and then in the outlet for the Index part I want the UserLoadingView to be rendered. But the rendering always waits for all promises to be resolved and the UserLoadingView is never shown.
How can I force Ember to render the UserRoute and then the UserLoadingView in the outlet until the UserIndexRoute Model is resolved?
How I implemented it:
afterModel: function(model, transition){
var _this = this,
params = Ember.get(transition, 'params.user');
this.get('store').find('user', params.user_id).then(function(user){
_this.transitionTo('user.profile', user);