I'm trying to wrap my head around Ember's loading substate. According to the Guides...
...the loading substate will show while the model is being resolved, and if a loading template doesn't exist for the current route, it will climb the route hierarchy until it finds a 'loading' template. So I defined a 'loading' template, but it doesn't always show.
Here an example:
First, when the page loads, the loading template doesn't show even when the ApplicationRoute's model is being resolved. Then if you go to 'books', the loading template will show. So going from 'index' to 'books' will always show the loading template. But them going to a specific 'book' (e.g. Three Little Pigs in my example) doesn't show the loading template. Finally, going to 'book' from 'books' doesn't show the loading template, even though it will if you go from 'index' to 'books'. I can't make sense of all of this. What logic does Ember use to climb the hierarchy to show the loading template?