I have in my Ember app this routes:
Router.map(function() {
// landing page (login/register)
this.route('home', {path: '/'});
// authenticated pages
this.route('webappFrame', {path: '/app'}, function() {
this.route('feed', {path: 'feed'});
this.route('photoDetail', {path: 'photo/detail/:id'});
where both "feed" and "photoDetail" have a model hook that return a promise (records coming from the server); I have a loading.hbs template in the /template folder;
After a page refresh on both "feed" and "photoDetail" routes, the loading template is correctly displayed; but when navigating between the routes, it is not shown again (the outlet remains white untile the promise is resolved);
I use ember-cli 2.3.0-beta.1 (but also tried 1.13.14 stable) with ember 2.3.0; In the official ember docs is written that it should always traverse the templates tree up until it finds a loading template; can someone show me what's wrong here?
UPDATE ----------------------------------------------------
// feed model hook
model: function(params, transition) {
return this.store.query('photo', {type: 'feed'});
// photoDetail model hook
model: function(params, transition) {
var self = this;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
photo: self.store.find('photo', params.id),
comments: self.store.query('comment', {id: params.id})
and in feed template:
{{#each photo as |item|}}
{{photo-item item=item}}
and then the photo-item component:
{{#link-to "webappFrame.photoDetail" item.id}}
<img class="photoImage" src="{{imageurl item.hash type='photo'}}">
where {{imageurl}} is just an helper that creates the path for the image; here i pass "item.id" to the link-to (instad of passing "item" itself) to force the reload of the photo when entering detail (in order to get also comments)
right now, I've added templates/webapp-frame/loading.hbs and it works; the thing is that the loading template is always the same in the whole app; so I expected to have only one instead of having a copy of it in every /templates subfolder...
is enough – Patsy Issa