I'm currently working with InstallShield to deploy a .NET Winforms app. I am new to InstallShield and have not enjoyed the learning curve. The Winforms app has three related DLL's which are not getting updated during a minor upgrade. For a minor upgrade I am changing the version from 1.0.001 to 1.0.002 for example. The package code is being changed for each build automatically.
I have tried adding the dll's to the [INSTALLDIR] and setting the property to "always overwrite". For some reason this causes the upgrade to also not update the main exe.
Tried changing the product code to force a major upgrade. This installed a new version alongside the old version, but the new version still had the old dll's.
Tried changing ReinstallMode from "omus" to "vomus". This had no effect at all.
Tried using REINSTALL=ALL, REINSTALLMODE=vomus. This did not update the dll's and also caused new installs to fail with message that application "is not marked for installation".
Tried changing the version from 1.0.00x to 1.1.00x. dll's still not updated.
I notice that when I view properties of these dll files, they have File Version = and Product Version Do I need to manually increase these versions in order for InstallShield to recognize that they have been updated?