
I am creating an install package using InstallShield Pro X. The upgrade works properly. However, the product manager wants the upgrade to replace all files on an upgrade even if the create date != modify date on the file.

I see that to do this I need to set REINSTALLMODE=vamus rather than vomus. However, I don't see how to tell InstallShield that I want it to use that setting. By default setup.exe always passes vomus to windows installer.

There is a property in the InstallShield project named ReinstallModeText that I changed from omus to amus but that seemed to have no effect.

So, how what do I set in the install project so that when setup.exe detects to run an upgrade it sends REINSTALLMODE=vamus? Thanks.

Update: Tried adding the following to the MSI Command Line value in the Release section:


This did not work. Setup.exe didn't set REINSTALL=ALL on the command line what I did this. I added that to the MSI Command line and the upgrade worked as expected. But, not the problem is if it is a NEW install those properties are still being set and the installer fails.


4 Answers


Don't set the REINSTALLMODE to amus or vamus (force overwrite files). These settings apply to all components in the MSI, and could hence in theory downgrade system files or at least shared files - this typically involves files included via merge modules. It is normally safe to set REINSTALLMODE to emus (replace files with lower or equal version number). Even this can trigger a file replacement error if you try to overwrite a system protected file on newer versions of Windows featuring Windows Resource Protection (wikipedia) (Windows Server 2008 and Vista onwards). On older Windows versions the file would likely be overwritten and then restored in its right version from the dllcache via the Windows File Protection feature provided that feature had a good day. There was (and is) an associated tool for system file checking: System File Checker.

If you have issues with files that should be replaced even if they have been edited, you can use the RemoveFile table to schedule the file for removal during install (and then it will be reinstalled).

The real solution is to consider the installation folder in %ProgramFiles% as read only, and not have the application save ANY settings or change any files. All config files should go to the user profile or the alluser profile and the application EXE file should be responsible for the copy to the profile locations.

See my answer here.


In investigating this further and testing more options I think the best answer is to modify the product code in addition to the product version and author it as a major upgrade which removes the previous version first and then installs the new files.

The main problem with this is that it takes alot longer for the installer to run. I also think that you can not issue this as a patch, but I could be wrong on that count.


I don't have IS X handy, but in later versions of InstallShield you would go to "Releases", highlight your release, go to the "Setup.exe" section and there's a field called "MSI Command Line Arguments". There you would indicate any command-line arguments that you want Setup.exe to pass to Windows Installer. E.g. REINSTALLMODE=vamus


You mentioned you used ReinstallModeText with "amus". Have you tried ReinstallModeText equal to "vamus". The "v" causes the installer to run off the source package, not the cached package, and that may be your problem.