I have an installshield installer for my application. Now I create a minor upgrade for the application and some of the files in some of my components are changed. Unfortunately after the minor upgrade the files are not replaced but are left with their old contents. These are text files so it is very easy to verify that. I have also explicitly checked always overwrite in the properties for each of the files I try to overwrite during the upgrade.
I am tired of creating custom actions to do what installshield is supposed to do. Do you have any idea why this is happening and how can I force installshield to overwrite these files?
I am using installshield 2008 and really, really, really wished I had an option to change that.
Always Overwrite
for the target file. But It doesn't work until I restart my computer . And I think the bigest problem to me now is I can't find any good reads to understand all the stuff how to work together. like Christopher Painter saidthis is a training issue not a tools issue
. So I hope you can share some with me. thanks. – Joe.wang