I tested out some isa swizzling with Swift, and found that it only works when NSObject is a super-class (directly or further up), or by using the '@objc' decoration. Otherwise it will follow a static- and vtable-dispatch style, like C++.
Is it normal to define a Swift class without a Cocoa/NSObject base class? If it is I'm concerned this means foregoing much of the dynamism of Objective-C, such as method interception and run-time introspection.
Dynamic run-time behavior sits at the heart of features like property observers, Core Data, Aspect Oriented Programming, Higher Order Messaging, analytical & logging frameworks and so on.
Using Objective-C's style of method invocation adds around 20 machine code operands to a method call, so in certain situations (many tight calls to methods with small bodies) C++ style static and vtable dispatch can perform better.
But given the general 95-5 rule (95% of performance gains come from tuning 5% of the code), doesn't it makes sense to start with the powerful dynamic features and harden where necessary?